Environmental Services 

Super Fund Site - Tampa

LANG has recently completed a hazardous material decontamination and demolition project for the Stauffer Management Company (SMC) former pesticide formulation and packaging facility in Tampa, Florida through a joint venture with ENSR. The scope of this project included environmental decontamination and demolition of site facilities as well as the removal and decontamination of concrete slabs, roadways, railroad spurs and other materials in contact with contaminated soils. 

LANG contracts directly with Stauffer to provide soils management and sampling support for the next phase of the project. This phase involves the bioremediation of pesticide contaminants in the soils using the owner's patented, XenoRem® process. It is the largest project in the United States involving bioremediation of pesticides.




All Content and Graphics - Lang Environmental, Inc. 1997-2009